.PE Domain (Peru)
CHF 64.73 / year

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The territorial domain of Peru is .pe, an extension that was launched in November 1991 by the Red Científica Peruana (RCP). The domain experienced a remarkable growth in 2007 with the launch of second level domains, since before it was only possible to register under .com.pe, .nom.pe, .org.pe, .edu.pe, .gob.pe or mil.pe.
The digital audience in Peru is growing, so it is considered important to have a presence in the Peruvian market and a good way to start is with a .pe ccTLD to integrate into the Internet space. Also, another relevant aspect is that it can be related to these terms: physical education, premiun edition, etc.
For today there are more than 140,000 registered .pe domains.
The digital audience in Peru is growing, so it is considered important to have a presence in the Peruvian market and a good way to start is with a .pe ccTLD to integrate into the Internet space. Also, another relevant aspect is that it can be related to these terms: physical education, premiun edition, etc.
For today there are more than 140,000 registered .pe domains.
Domain characteristics
General Information for the domain extension .pe - PeruMeaning of Extension | .pe is the official country domain (ccTLD) from Peru. |
Minimum and maximum length | 2 - 63 characters |
Time of registration | In real-time |
Time of transfer | In real-time |
Registrar Transfer | Yes, with Auth-Code |
Trade | No |
Premium Domains | No |
IDN | No |
Whois Privacy | No |
DNSSEC Supported | Yes (DS) |
Renewal Period | 1Y, 2Y, 3Y, 4Y, 5Y |
Registration Period | 1Y, 2Y, 3Y, 4Y, 5Y |
Cancellation Period | 1 Day(s) |
Renewal On Transfer | Yes |
No local contact needed | |
Registry Connection | Directly |
Transfer lock has to be removed before a transfer can be started | |
Manual renewal possible | |
Number of nameservers allowed | 2 - 13 |
1 CHF 57.30 / 1 year